Update - movement and concept art for first level

Not going to lie, i struggled a bit this week. I had some lofty goals made from my previous dev log (BIG CHANGES - new pathway), and while i did accomplish some of the goals i made for myself, i fell short in others. I spent the majority of the week trying to perfect my movement and have it mimic an actual golf ball. When i say this, i mean it won't stop when you just hit the opposite direction key but will only slow it down - unless you hold down the opposite direction key, then it will do a 180 and go that way. I think this will add an interesting mechanic and make it more difficult for the player. I do also have some concept art made in paint for the first level. All the first level will be is a simple one lane highway your ball has to cross. Down the road, when the game gets expanded, im hoping the next levels could be put in a farm environment, building environment, construction environment, etc.

For the next week, i hope to have a timer system installed and a level that ends when the ball reaches the hole. I have all the artwork collected, right now its just about figuring out what goes where and what the coding should look like. 

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